Typically the pest that attacks outside the house

Typically the pest that attacks outside the house

pest control service

Harlequin Bugs

Description: Small, shield-shaped bugs who have bright reddish, orange, or yellow marks

Plants Affected:

Broccoli, cauliflower, kale, brussels sprouts

Destruction Caused:

Harlequin bugs draw plant juices from results in and stems triggering yellowish or white blotches within the leaves; Can also result in wilting and plant loss of life.

Control Methods:

Row includes, handpick, weed (especially mustard plants and pigweed), really encourage damsel bugs and buccaneer pests

Cabbage Loopers

Information: Small green inchworms of which destroy vegetables in typically the cabbage family; Adult contact form is a gray moth that lays eggs below leaves; Causes much the same destruction to cabbage worms.

Plant life Affected:

 Broccoli, cabbage, him, cauliflower

Damage Caused:

They will chew up leaves, generate holes in broccoli in addition to cabbage heads, and leave black droppings known as frass on vegetables.

Control Methods:

Handpick worms, crush eggs, row covers, Bacillus thuringiensis, motivate parasitic wasps


Description: Typically around 1” long and gray or black; Hide just below ground during the day, and curl up in a “C” shape; Found throughout United states and thrive inside weedy areas.

Plants Influenced

 Particularly damaging to plant life inside the cabbage family; Likewise peppers, tomatoes, peas, plus coffee beans

Damage Caused:

Cutworms damage plants in earlier spring by cutting the particular stem off at floor level.

Control Methods:

Make use of cutworm collars around younger plants, delay planting, Bacillus thuringiensis, control weeds, handpick

Tomato Hornworms

Description: Brilliant green, fat caterpillars that will can grow up in order to 3 inches long; Grownup form may be the sphinx moth that is grayish-brown along with bright orange spots. This can have a 4-5 inch wingspan.

Plants Impacted:

 Tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, potatoes

Damage Caused:

 Hornworms remove the leaves down in order to the stem and may damage the exterior associated with the fruit creating scarring.

Manage Methods:

Handpick, till the particular soil, parasitic wasps

Western Corn Borers

Description: Bistré caterpillars that can develop up to about a good inch long

Plants Impacted:

Corn, beans, tomatoes, peppers

Damage Caused:

 They weary into the leaves plus stalks, leaving a opening that looks like this contains sawdust; Can deteriorate the stalk creating this to break.

Control Strategies:

Encourage ladybugs and lacewings, handpick, plant resistant types

Slugs and Snails

Explanation: Soft-bodied creatures (although snails have a hard external shell) that eat numerous plants in the backyard. They produce shiny, goop, guck, gunk, muck, ooze, sludge trails and are mainly found in moist, temperate climates throughout the Usa. Slugs can be ½” – 5” long.

Plant life Affected:

Lettuce, spinach, tomato plants, while others

Damage Caused:

They will create irregular holes inside leaves where they have got been feeding.

Control Procedures:

Handpick after dusk or perhaps after rain; Use water piping rings or copper recording; Weed and thin out there plants to eradicate covering spots; Make and employ beer traps; Put an engagement ring of rough material about plants (gravel, diatomaceous world, or crushed eggshells), really encourage frogs, toads, lizards, in addition to birds.

Common Pests According to Plant Type

Perhaps an individual aren’t sure where to get started on when identifying what form of pest you are coping with. It may end up being better to search for frequent pests using the plant an individual are growing. Listed here are the most prevalent pests that affect these kinds of garden vegetables:

  • Asparagus: Asparagus beetle, aphids, cutworms
  • Espresso beans: Mexican bean beetle, root-knot nematodes, bean weevils
  • Beets: Aphids, beet webworms, tender spot beetles, European corn borers, flea beetles, seed hammer toe maggots, vegetable weevils
  • Brokkoli: Cabbage aphids, cabbage maggots, cabbage loopers, cabbageworm, cutworm, harlequin bug, flea beetle
  • Brussels sprouts: Cabbage aphids, cabbage maggots, cabbage loopers, cabbageworm, cutworm, harlequin pest, flea beetle
  • Cabbage/Cauliflower: Weight loss plans aphids, cabbage maggots, weight loss plans loopers, cabbageworm, cutworm, harlequin bug, flea beetle
  • Pumpkin: Carrot rust fly, wireworms
  • Celery: Aphids, celery leaftiers, European corn borers, thrips
  • Corn: Corn earworm, Western european corn borer, seed hammer toe maggots, corn sap beetles, corn root aphids, wireworms
  • Cucumber: Cucumber beetles, index mites, melon aphids, lead capture pages bugs, squash vine borers, pickle worms, squash beetles, cutworms, thrips, leafminers
  • Eggplant: Colorado potato beetles, eggplant lace bugs, flea beetles, grasshoppers, hornworms, potato tuber worms
  • Lettuce: Slugs, snail, leafminers, aphids, cabbage viruses, cabbage loopers
  • Melons: Melons aphids, blister beetles, pickle worms, seed corn maggots, spider mites, cucumber beetles, squash vine borers, thrips
  • Onions: Onion thrips, veg weevils
  • Peas: Aphids, pea weevils, cowpea curculio
  • Potatoes: Cutworms, pepper maggots, self defense weevils
  • Potatoes: Colorado spud beetles, flea beetles, aphids, wireworms
  • Pumpkins: Cucumber beetles, spider mites, melon aphids, squash bugs, squash grape vine borers, pickle worms, lead capture pages beetles, cutworms, thrips, leafminers
  • Radishes: Blister beetles, flea beetles, harlequin bugs, turnip aphids, vegetable weevils
  • Kale: Aphids, beet webworms, tumble armyworms, flea beetles, grasshoppers, leafminers, vegetable weevils
  • Bananas: Aphids, Japanese beetles, raspberry crown borers, rose weighing machines, spider mites, stinkbugs
  • Nice potatoes: Wireworms
  • Tomatoes: Tomato fruitworm, potato aphid, smell bugs, hornworms, whitefly, index mites
  • Winter Squash: Cucumber beetles, spider mites, melons aphids, squash bugs, lead capture pages vine borers, pickle viruses, squash beetles, cutworms, thrips, leafminers
  • Zucchini: Cucumber beetles, spider mites, melon aphids, squash bugs, squash grape vine borers, pickle worms, lead capture pages beetles, cutworms, thrips, leafminers

Protect your hard work from these unwanted pests by using pest control services in Mumbai. Don’t let your hard work go to waste.

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